Pre -Kindergarten
2-3 years
With our children in Pre-K, we focus on further laying and developing educational fundamentals. During this stage, children will also begin to learn how to effectively communicate feelings and emotion.
We count it as an honor to help you children form good habits that will be with them for a lifetime.

2600 Heiman St.
Nashville, Tennessee 37208

Early Preschool Development
Your Early Preschooler's Developmental Areas
Connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent
Engage in pretend play using props
Participate in scientific experiments led by adults
Begins to understand concepts like time and opposites - big/small & night /day
In this stage your child
begins to
Learning to differentiate between "I", "You", and "Me"
Learning how to take turns when speaking
Learning about different types of vehicles, like dump trucks and tractors.
Increasing number of vocabulary words to express ideas
In this stage your child
begins to
Play cooperatively and sharing with other children
Look for new challenges like putting on shoes and trying to tie them.
Mimic what others say, as well as how they say it
Is able to soothe themselves when upset
In this stage your child
begins to
Feeding themselves with forks and spoons during family-style meals.
Coordinates movements needed to play and explore
Learn rhythm through dancing and musical activities.
Uses both hands equally to play and explore toys
In this stage your child
begins to

During the Pre-Kindergarten stage, your child's sense of independence and natural desire to explore continues to grow. Huge learning curves in their thinking, socially, and emotionally take place.
Our goal is to make sure that as your child develops at their own pace, they have a nurturing environment to do so.